Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Skidegate Socialite for May 19

I’m writing to you today within the last hours before the print deadline. Yes, I have suffered my first severe case of writer’s block. Funny enough, I didn’t stress about it. I slept on it.  Well, I’ve done just that: rested, showered, and fed, I feel the wheels churning in my head. I should also mention I’ve been under a lot of stress (but not half as much as my mom) due to the impending arrival of Nova, our Border Collie/Maremma Sheepdog pup, all the way from Nova Scotia. Flying a dog across country is a piece of cake – that is, unless you live in the middle of nowhere with only one flight in/out per day. HA! My mother, being as awesome as she is, has agreed to bring her anyway (even though it’s going to mean staying in Vancouver overnight with puppy in tow) but she’s not going to be happy about it. I have this in print now, so she OR Noora can refer to it for blackmail in the future.
So, how can I make it better? Well, a big pot of jum and a chilled bottle of white wine upon arrival should do the trick. Maybe I’ll even throw in some hot biscuits. Now, just to find some halibut; there were quite a few people out in their boats this weekend, so I’m sure fresh fish isn’t too hard to find.
This brings me to very disturbing news, however. Copper Bay season is just around the corner, if it opens. Yes, there is talk around the village that the numbers may not be large enough for Copper to open for food fishing. What’s the reason? Well, it could be nature. Things do run in cycles. But I think a bigger reason is the people who have gone to Copper Bay early and are poaching for profit. Yup, greed is threatening the supply of fish. Surprise, surprise. Some people are stupid enough to think the world revolves around them and it won’t affect them in the future. WRONG! If the salmon don’t get a chance to spawn, guess what? No baby salmon. No baby salmon means less salmon next year. More poaching next year will shrink the dwindling number even more, and well, you can figure out the rest. Please, if you see anyone selling fresh salmon in Sandspit, or Skidegate, or wherever, please please please do not buy it. You are helping fund illegal poachers. What’s done is done, but someone must put a stop to this. Many people are angry about the situation, but who will stand up and make a difference. I’ve done my job by informing you, although I won’t name names (even if I want to!). It’s up to you. Hopefully Copper Bay will open for the rest of us to feed our families but if it does, please respect the fish and take only what you need. We are so blessed on this island. Please don’t ruin it for our kids.
On a lighter note, if you’re not in the mood for fish now, Nancy O’Higgins is selling turkey pies and they are yummy! Please call 250-559-4559 to place your order or email me at whiteravenreturns@gmail.com. Pies are $4 and are 6”.
There are lots of events coming up this weekend. See last week’s column for a list. Lots of creative opportunities happening at the Kaay for artists and writers! Also, see flyers posted by Literacy Haida Gwaii. Don’t forget the Senbazuru of Hope garage sale and activity day May 14th!
Lastly, a very happy birthday to Mom and Uncle Lonnie Young who celebrate their birthdays on May 15th!

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