Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Skidegate Socialite for June 30

Another long weekend? Whatever will I do with myself! Oh yah, I’ll be up to my ears in things to do, as usual! Willie and I celebrated Aboriginal Day on the beach, in front of S.H.I.P, with Pete, Sue and Jenny. The fire ceremony was beautiful. If you missed it, too bad! Haha, well actually, there are plans to build a permanent Fire House in that location in which to hold ceremonies on a regular basis. I saw the miniature version on display at the Skidegate Health Center. It’s going to be expensive to build (isn’t everything?) but it will be worth it. I haven’t heard of any fundraising events yet, but if you have ideas, I’m sure they’d love to hear them or, even better, if you have a donation, contact them.
This past week, I also had the privilege of attending cousin Levi Burton’s graduation from Corrine’s pre-school here in Skidegate. The small hall was packed with parents, friends and relatives to witness the button blanket ceremony; so many beautiful blankets! I especially enjoyed Dustin Cross Jr.’s Mario-inspired one. The food, like always, was amazing. Hawa’a.
Also this week, I attended Gud Ad Tl’ldaal, the multicultural event hosted by the Island Women’s Society. There was an amazing turnout, and of course wonderful food, followed by great entertainment. We were transported to Montreal, the Czech Republic, China & Singapore, Ireland, Turkey and back to Haida Gwaii. Noora loved the music. I didn’t have time to prepare the Nova Scotia/Scottish Gàidhlig information, or find something to share, but I’ll be prepared for next year!
Looking at my calendar, I’m reminded that I have been appointed to run the Skidegate United Church pie & coffee booth at Skidegate Days. This means, I will be the one hounding you all for pie donations! Yup, if you’re a baker, I’d like to ask for your help. Give me a call (4473). I had a suggestion that we also have cakes available for those who cannot make pies, and those who would rather not eat them. Skidegate Days will be held on Saturday July 16th, so bring your appetites and stop by our booth. Also, while we’re talking about church, there will be another Faith Adventure Camp happening in August. It sounded like a lot of fun last year, so email me if you’d like to participate or need more information!
Now, this next part is very important. I said before how I am all for promoting local businesses, etc, to make our community stronger. Well, the Skidegate Volunteer Fire Department is in desperate need of members, male or female. I was told there are only a few active training members, along with the regular stand-bys, and that doesn’t quite cut it. If you’re too young to join the regular department, a junior department could be put into the works (future project?). We have both in my home community in NS, and it’s wonderful. Also, there is a large Women’s Auxiliary who put on fundraising events for the Fire Department. Come on, folks, let’s get our department up to code, and who knows, this time next year we could have some friendly competition (bucket runs?) between island Departments at Skidegate or Hospital Days! Training is on Tuesday nights, 7 pm, at the Fire Hall.
Now for the birthdays! Brendon Collinson celebrated his 20th birthday on June 23rd. Khataya Brown celebrated her birthday on June 24th. And a big Happy First Birthday to David Thompson, who celebrated on June 26th.
And a Happy Canada Day to everyone this weekend! Mudbogs, anyone? See you in Port!

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