Friday, August 20, 2010

White Raven

I have been thinking about starting a blog for a few weeks but never could think of what to call it or what I would write about. Should it be a personal blog, should it be about my children's series, Noora's Adventures, or should I develop a specific project to blog about? I guess you could say I've combined all three!

So, the what and why had been to decide the who. I mean, it's MY blog but I needed a title. Something that meant alot to me.'s where I hit the road block. I have had so many nicknames in the past! After some thinking, I remembered a photo I saw at the Trout House in Masset, BC. It was of a white raven. I was so intrigued by this creature because I had no idea something like him existed! The raven had been a resident of the island but unfortunately got himself electrocuted a few years ago. He still remains in Port Clements, stuffed.

This got me thinking though...Willie, my fiance, has always said if I were Haida I would be a Raven because I was so cheeky! I've kinda adopted that notion and I know in my heart it's true. He's an Eagle so we balance each other very well...even if I do happen to tease him constantly. It's not his fault he's an Eagle, afterall! Now, I'm not Haida but that made the idea of the White Raven appeal to me even more; white and unique, just like me! The White Raven is seen in Celtic mythology, as well as Haida mythology, as a symbol of healing, survival, and sacrifice. I believe I embody these traits as well.

Photo courtesy of (2008)
The White Raven Returns is my way of expressing the nature of this blog: coming home to Haida Gwaii and all that will entail, from learning about the Haida culture, language and history to the challenges of everyday life.

For more information on the White Ravens of British Columbia, here are a few websites!

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