Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Great Day For...

A wild goose chase.


or should I say, a transient Orca whale chase. Yes, folks, there was a small pod of these mysterious creatures here today. In Skidegate. Minutes from our house.


It all started with Willie yelling casually from the computer room, "Hey, hun, someone just posted on Facebook that there was a small pod of killer whales out in front of their house." I reply, not so casually, "WHEN?! WHERE?! WHAT THE HELL?!!!!" You see, I've been trying to catch a glimpse of these passers-by since the day I arrived on Skidegate soil. I've been teased with stories of "a pod of sixty lead by a huge bull" or "yah, sure, we see them pass through on their way through the Narrows" (a tight squeeze where boats can only pass during high tide on their way to the Hecate Strait) but have I seen them? Noooooooo, of course not! Why would they give themselves up so easily. I mean, I've only lived here for a total of ten or eleven months so far. Hardly enough to qualify to see a rare Orca appearance. Hmph...stupid whales.

Okay, okay...I know it's really rare and many of the people who have lived here their whole lives have not been able to see them (if this is not true, so's what I tell myself to help me sleep at night). And I guess I should be thankful I have seen many whales during my time here (three playful Grey whales, several other Grey whales and possibly Humpbacks on our trip to Prince Rupert, and of course, the dead Fin whale). Haaw'a Sahlana...but pretty, pretty, pretty PLEASE let me see my beloved Orcas...soon....please!

After I hustled Willie and Noora out the door, and into the car, we flew (at about 40 kmph) along the coast to  Balance Rock, keeping our eyes on the ocean (yes...mine were usually there even though I was also driving....*cough*) but no whales. So we kept driving, and driving, and driving some more, stopping at the "Rest Area" in Tlell to survey the seas...but no whales. So...we drove a bit further, I stopped to take a picture of some little gnomes on a stump which I will send my sister because she LOVES gnomes, ha, and onward to the Rising Tide Bakery to soothe my broken spirits. Well...they were closed. *sigh*

Willie suggested we drive back to and continue to Charlotte just to make sure they weren't loitering around town. He and Noora dozed off while I sulked. The rain seemed to feel my despair as it seemed to cry for me (but I wouldn't have cried THAT hard...that would be a bit too dramatic). But, all in all, the drive was not a waste. I love seeing the island, in any state it presents itself, and I did manage to stalk a crane from afar while he hunted for fish. Too bad you couldn't follow these whales on Twitter! I'd never miss them again!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Caution: Drink at your own risk!

This was a bit of advice posted above the famous St. Mary's Spring here on Haida Gwaii. Why, you may ask, would there be a sign cautioning against drinking water at this site? can thank the legend for that! It is said that, if you drink the spring water which flows into a pool at the bottom of the trail, you will return to the islands. Now, I can't tell you if there is any scientific evidence to back this up, that's not my job, but I can tell you that it has been known to work...I'm back! Haha.

I took the risk of drinking the water last year, while pregnant, and I do not regret it. Why not give in to the magic on the island and let St. Mary lead me back to the island. I knew I would be leaving to have Noora, also I wanted Willie to experience the East Coast, and I knew I would probably, most likely, eventually return to Haida Gwaii. But why not seal the deal!

 Nine months later we returned.

I had not been back to the Spring since returning to the island. I had it on my "to-do" list but we just hadn't found the time. One day we drove to the bakery in Tlell, which is past St. Mary's, but we did not stop (thanks to the rain on the way there, and the hitchhiker on the way back).

The day we decided to drive to Masset to visit Willie's family, I was in the driver's seat. In true Karyn-fashion (i.e. slamming on the brakes spontaneously and pulling over, even IN the pouring rain), I decided to pay St. Mary a visit to say thanks.

She looked much the same as she did last summer. She had some new trinkets and coins tucked away in the cracks around her. Some more shells adorned her feet. She stared out to the ocean with the same mysterious smile. 

 The trail above her seemed just as mysterious as it was the first time I saw it. I have not had the chance to hike up and experience the view from above, but I've heard it is beautiful (even if it is a bit steep and slippy). There are so many treasures here on the island. There are also so many magical qualities that sometimes go unnoticed. St. Mary's Spring is on the main stretch of highway past Skidegate but if you don't know it's there, you might just miss it. If anyone else is lucky enough to visit Haida Gwaii, I challenge you to also drink from St. Mary's magical pool of water and see if it brings you home again.

 ** There was a poem attached to a tree next to St. Mary's statue but it was gone. Thankfully, I found an almost-complete replication on another website (

A Little Spring by Charles MacKay

A little spring has lost its way
Amid the grass and fern;
A passing stranger scooped a well
Where weary men might turn.

He walled it in. And hung with care
A ladle at the brink.
He thought not of the deed he did
But hoped that some might drink.

He passed again. And ?? The well
By summers never dried.
Had cooled ten thousand parching tongues
And saved a life beside.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Guess Who's Back?

Yes, it is I...after a very long pause from the world of blogging. Well, it's been about a week, or so, but it feels long. A big part of my absence has been due to technical difficulties. Dear Santa, this year I would like a NetBook so I can write anywhere I want, without distractions, and not worry about the browser freezing because the computer is too slow. Thank you. AHHHHHHHHH!

In the time I have been away, much has happened. I have laughed alot, cried more than I would like, lost more sleep than I believe is fair (thank you, Noora), indulged (yay for Thanksgiving), and started working on a few more grey hairs (thank you, technology and, again, Noora). It's been a busy week and yet, I feel as though I should have had time to blog. Ah, but such is life. As I sit here typing away, Noora is on a cranky rampage which is tugging at the last string of my sanity. Yay! Daddy broke out the new books from the library...

Alright, the highlights of this past week...there have been many, I promise you!

-travelled to Old Masset Thursday and Noora met her Chinni (Willie's father), and several aunts and uncles and even a few cousins! (believe me, there are many more we must meet but there are only so many hours in a day!)

-survived a HUGE storm on Haida Gwaii (Thursday night/Friday night/Saturday night)...Willie's Noni reported 150 km/hr winds in Old Masset Friday night (we drove home in some wicked weather...the car shuddered as soon as the trees tapered off between Tlell and Skidegate!) I believe the winds were around 100 km/hr here in Skidegate...we arrived home only 30 mins or so before the power went off. And no, we had no flashlights or candles so I stuck some birthday candles into potatoes! Thankfully the power came on before the candles had burnt out!

-headed back to Old Masset Friday to have dinner with Willie's father. Noora draws a crowd! There were nine of us for dinner and I had my very first clam fritter..and then half of Willie's. YUM! SO GOOD! Willie's dad shared his recipe...I'll have to try it out some time (of course, like all good chefs, he had no measurements, haha). Willie played basketball with some of his uncles and Noora, his dad and I watched (and talked with Willie's cousin about England..*sigh*).

-made some pies for Thanksgiving dinner Saturday night (including making my own pumpkin puree...not the plan but the Co-op didn't have any canned stuff left...surprise, surprise!). Power went out again...I grumbled and just left them in there til the next morning...stupid power...stupid island storms....

-didn't make it to church Sunday morning as we were still without power. The family was in crisis mode because the turkeys had not been cooked yet...our cleverly planned Thanksgiving lunch would now be moved to dinner...I found out today that church had gone on, even without the power. Hmm...I should have gone to get some hot coffee at least!

-Thanksgiving with Willie's family...CHAOS! Haha, well no, it wasn't that bad at all, really. There were twenty people, five pies (at least, plus two cheesecakes), two turkeys and a ham...and I made fried bread "Timbits" haha. YUM! Everyone left full and in search of stretchy pants. We stayed until late playing Rock Band and the Wii.

-Monday night: Noora fell out of our bed...she has outgrown the "nap in the bed surrounded by many pillow stage" and didn't care to tell us. She was fine and wears a shiner quite well, but I'm not sure my mental state, or Willie's, will survive her childhood...

So there, that's what we've been up to. Busy and sleep-deprived, but enjoying life! I've also realized I can type up a blog post locked away with Willie's computer and then post it later. GENIUS! Why did it take me so long to think of that. Ahh...stay tuned for more...soon...hopefully!

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Green Mile (well...2500 square miles!)

One thing I love about Haida Gwaii is that is so green and luscious. Everyday, rain or shine, everything is green. When I look at the view from my front deck, I am so thankful I can live in a place that is so rich with natural beauty. Coming from Nova Scotia, I'm used to a change in scenery once in a while. Spring adds green to the boring winter colour scheme, summer adds a touch more colour to the fresh view of spring, and fall smashes it right out of the park with the beautiful reds, oranges, and yellows of the changing leaves.


One thing I hate about Haida Gwaii is that is so green...yup, thanks to the infamous BC Bud. Marijuana. I'm not here to tell anyone they're a bad person for smoking pot. I honestly do not care what people do in their own time, in their own houses. However, I have a big problem when it crosses over into my life. Smoking pot is so "normal" here that it almost seems like Willie and I are social outcasts for not taking part in it (same goes with drinking). I will say I have tried it in the past out of curiousity but it ended there. I don't enjoy the smell. I don't like how it affects your brain (especially in long-term users). I do not like the fact it leads to harsher drugs (cocaine is kinda big here too, apparently...).And don't even get me started on all of the dealers around...not nice people. So, my big challenge here it seems is to separate the person from the problem. I will admit it's a bit hard to do when I feel very little respect for people who make alcohol and drugs the most important thing in their lives. Really, what's the point? Can't we just have fun without the addition of beer cans and joints? *sigh*

I will say that for the most part, people respect our choice of living drug-free. Yes, we'll have a drink on occasion but they are far and few between. I do not intend on bringing Noora up in that kind of environment. I did not grow up like that, and I'd like to think I turned out okay (for the most part, haha). I have heard stories from Willie and others (not just who live here..unfortunately, drugs are everywhere) and I'm not sorry I grew up how I did. I thankfully missed the "party" gene and did not get into too much trouble growing up and in university. That's just how I roll. It does kinda bother me when the family starts to disapper outside to smoke up when we're having a simple dinner....where's the togetherness, well, for us who don't smoke?

But...everyone has a choice. I feel more guarded coming back now, only because I do not want our daughter exposed to things she has no business knowing of. I also do not want her in the company of anyone who isn't sober....hello, safety issue! That being said, I do not want to cut ourselves off from anyone. So...I'mma do me...and remember to separate the person from the problem. Wish me luck!

(Again, only a vent...not trying to make anyone feel bad. I want to stress that the marijuana or alcohol isn't what I have an issue with, so much as how it is used, or abused. Also, don't bring it in my house and don't do it around me and my daughter! Please and thank you.)