Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Great Day For...

A wild goose chase.


or should I say, a transient Orca whale chase. Yes, folks, there was a small pod of these mysterious creatures here today. In Skidegate. Minutes from our house.


It all started with Willie yelling casually from the computer room, "Hey, hun, someone just posted on Facebook that there was a small pod of killer whales out in front of their house." I reply, not so casually, "WHEN?! WHERE?! WHAT THE HELL?!!!!" You see, I've been trying to catch a glimpse of these passers-by since the day I arrived on Skidegate soil. I've been teased with stories of "a pod of sixty lead by a huge bull" or "yah, sure, we see them pass through on their way through the Narrows" (a tight squeeze where boats can only pass during high tide on their way to the Hecate Strait) but have I seen them? Noooooooo, of course not! Why would they give themselves up so easily. I mean, I've only lived here for a total of ten or eleven months so far. Hardly enough to qualify to see a rare Orca appearance. Hmph...stupid whales.

Okay, okay...I know it's really rare and many of the people who have lived here their whole lives have not been able to see them (if this is not true, so's what I tell myself to help me sleep at night). And I guess I should be thankful I have seen many whales during my time here (three playful Grey whales, several other Grey whales and possibly Humpbacks on our trip to Prince Rupert, and of course, the dead Fin whale). Haaw'a Sahlana...but pretty, pretty, pretty PLEASE let me see my beloved Orcas...soon....please!

After I hustled Willie and Noora out the door, and into the car, we flew (at about 40 kmph) along the coast to  Balance Rock, keeping our eyes on the ocean (yes...mine were usually there even though I was also driving....*cough*) but no whales. So we kept driving, and driving, and driving some more, stopping at the "Rest Area" in Tlell to survey the seas...but no whales. So...we drove a bit further, I stopped to take a picture of some little gnomes on a stump which I will send my sister because she LOVES gnomes, ha, and onward to the Rising Tide Bakery to soothe my broken spirits. Well...they were closed. *sigh*

Willie suggested we drive back to and continue to Charlotte just to make sure they weren't loitering around town. He and Noora dozed off while I sulked. The rain seemed to feel my despair as it seemed to cry for me (but I wouldn't have cried THAT hard...that would be a bit too dramatic). But, all in all, the drive was not a waste. I love seeing the island, in any state it presents itself, and I did manage to stalk a crane from afar while he hunted for fish. Too bad you couldn't follow these whales on Twitter! I'd never miss them again!


  1. Well We'll see them soon enough honey. They'll be back :)

  2. I decided to check this out for the first time today (i know, i know, im a bit slow on the uptake) and I have to read about gnomes. Really? I mean, really?? Well, it makes me feel better to say that the gnomes probably chased the whales away just for you :P Haha next time try to get the gnomes on your side before going on a whale hunt.
